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Thursday 20 March 2008

Recently I've had fun meeting up with my good mate Peter Russell who leads worship at Purley Baptist Church, Surrey.

I've known Peter since our University days in Southampton where we used to lead worship for the Christian Union.

This year we've tried to meet up one Saturday a month to worship, pray and basically see what happens. This has been really exiting as a couple of songs have flowed out from the times of worship that we've had. We haven't managed to lead these songs through yet in our local church and realise they still might need a little bit of tweaking but I'm really excited about them.

As a guitarist it's great to write with other instruments (Pete plays keys) and to bounce ideas/melodies off each other. I think writing with other people also gives you lots of ideas and creativity and can teach you not to be too precious about your own ideas etc. Having said that I find it really fun to write with Peter. We have similar ideas and tastes and things seem to flow out very naturally when we worship God together.

One idea that flowed out of a time of worship was the fact that we were made for God and that He is therefore the centre of who we are:

I was made for Your glory
I was made for Your presence
I was made in Your likeness
I was made for You

You are the centre of my life
You are the centre of my life
Be glorified

I was made for Your worship
I was made for Your pleasure
I was made for Your kindness
I was made for You

You are the centre of my life
You are the centre of my life
Be glorified

Now to live the life You made
All I am I give in praise

Another time we got together the sense of Heaven and earth joining as a united front came alive to us as we were singing. Initially we were singing out 'Blessing, honour, glory, power' as a little melody during our worship time. We then felt that we were joining in with a greater song, with the whole universe rather than just us.

There is a song that's rising up
Heaven and earth
Joining as one to sing
There is a cry within our hearts
We're longing to sing Your glorious praise

Holy, Holy is our God
Worthy, worthy to be praised
You are Holy, You are Holy
You are worthy, You are worthy of all praise

Angels rejoice in Harmony
United in praise
Lifting Your name on high
Creation responds in melody
And hearing the sound, my soul awakes

Holy, Holy is our God
Worthy, worthy to be praised
You are Holy, You are Holy
You are worthy, You are worthy of all praise

Blessing, Honour, glory, power
Blessing, Honour, glory, power

I'm meeting up again with Peter this Saturday and can't wait to see what happens as we spend time together in worship.
Great to see you and Peter still keeping in touch and being able to spend time worshipping together and writing songs - really exciting to hear about it.

Hope you're well Peter and are enjoying life in Purley :)

Dan Rivett
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